Dobieshepherd (Pty) Ltd specialises in Risk Management Services, Property Valuations, Surveys, Loss Adjusting, Enterprise Risk Management & Silviculture Risk Management.
Find out more about our servicesDobieshpherd (Pty) Ltd offers a range of risk management support services to insurers, intermediaries and corporate entities. Our all round knowledge and eperience in insurance and risk management matters make us stand out tall in the South African market and region to offer proffesional loss adjusting services, risk surveys and valuation services.
"Our mission here at Dobieshpherd is to support the "man on the ball" the risk takers-insurers, intermediaries and corporates."
Does the organization have the correct infrastructure and software which ensures that the right information and data to manage the risks is available?
How resilient are the entity’s risk identification and analysis systems? What else can go wrong? How are the risks interconnected?
What are the risks to the business strategy and operations?
You are just a few steps away from a personalized service. Just fill in the form and send to us and we'll get right back.
Our goal is to provide the value addition services and build sustained relationships
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